Signis Asia Assembly, 3-5 December 2014

Topic: ‘Signis Asia Planning for Successful Future (2014-2018)’

Palembang, South Sumatra – Indonesia


Greeting from Indonesia!

‘SIGNIS Asia General Assembly, theme: Planning for Successful Future (2014-2018) will be held in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia on December 3-5, 2014 (Arrival Date, 2 and Departure date, 6). Total participants are 42 people representing for 20 countries in Asia.

The Programs to cover during the assembly:

‘Signis Asia Planning for Successful Future’ – TWO days

Signis Asia Business meeting – Third day

Exploring Indonesia – Outing – Fourth day (Optional)

Wednesday, 3 December 2014, 05:30 – 07:30

Opening Mass & welcome speech by Mgr. Aloysius Sudarso, Bishop of Palembang Arch-diocese

Official opening of the SAA:

  • Introductory remarks by Lawrence John, Vice President Signis World and Fr. Gabriel Htun Myint, President Signis Asia
  • Brief presentation on Social Communication in Indonesia by Mgr. Petrus Turang, Bishop for Social Communications

Friday, 5 December 2014: Business Meeting

05:30 – 07:30 Official closing of the SAA:

  • Highlight of Signis World by Mr. Alvito de Souza, Secretary General
  • Official speech by Governor of South Sumatra

SAMA (Signis Asia Media Award) Awarding Ceremony



The Signis Asia Board invites the SIGNIS ASIA members to participate in the SIGNIS ASIA MEDIA AWARD (SAMA) 2014 for the category of Video, poster & photography and Radio. The participants should work on the theme i.e. peace, social communication, etc. The expected participants are the children, young people and members. The competition involves juries from the local host and professional.

Below are the detailed categories of the competition:

1. Video

Comprising 2 categories with the duration of 1 & 5 minutes

1 minute: the first winner deserves USD 500, a trophy and certificate

5 minutes: the first winner deserves USD 750, a trophy and certificate

2. Poster & photography: The first winner of each category deserves USD 300, a trophy and certificate

3. Radio

Comprising 2 categories with the duration 1 & 5 minutes, with attached synopsis in English

1 minute: the first winner deserves USD 300, a trophy and certificate

5 minutes: the first winner deserves USD 500, a trophy and certificate


Exploring Indonesia, Saturday-December 6

The Local Host offers 2 options for the excursion:

a. For the participants leaving before lunch, they will join the city tour only and directly to the airport

b. For the participants leaving the day after, they will join the visit to Kemaro Island (a tiny delta of Musi River, located about 6 kilometers downstream of Ampera Bridge with a Chinese vihara (klenteng Hok Tjing Rio) on it. On the island there is a Buddha temple that often visited by Buddhists to pray or to visit the graves. Beside that, there is also mean of foretelling one’s life and marriage. A great religious event Cap Go Meh is held in Kemaro Island every Imlek New Year).


SIGNIS was founded in November 2001, with the merger of Unda (the International Catholic Association for Radio and Television) and OCIC (International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual); organization that trace their origins back to 1928. SIGNIS is the World Catholic Association for Communication: an international non-profit, non-governmental association that brings together communicators and media professionals from across the globe. SIGNIS members are united in their faith and the belief in a culture of peace shaped by respect for human dignity, justice and reconciliation. SIGNIS aims to be a network that inspires, educates and transforms our societies building a global culture of peace. Rome, October 24, 2014 (SIGNIS) – The Holy See has officially recognized SIGNIS (the World Catholic Association for Communication) as an International Association of the Faithful through its approval of the Canonical Statutes of SIGNIS.



President               : Fr. Gabriel Htun Myint (Myanmar)

Vice President       : Ly Sovanna (Cambodia)

Secretary                : Bernadetta Widiandajani (Indonesia)

Treasurer               : Francis Kim Seung-Wal (South Korea)

Members                : Magimai Pragasam (India) & Paul Tsuneaki  Machida (Japan)