Group picture The Bishop of Manado, Professors and the resource persons of ACN workshop in Manado.

Asian Communication Network together with Signis Asia and Manado Diocese have conducted the ACN Formation Programme in Social Communication for Seminary Professors and Seminarians of Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng on September 1-5, 2014, Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The Social Communication Seminar Workshop was given to 241 Seminarians and Students (Catechists) and 22 Seminary Professors of the Pineleng Seminary in Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia. These were parallel seminar held in two separate rooms – one for professors and the other for seminarians and students. It must be noted the Bishop Msgr. Josef Suwatan was present for the whole seminar.

 The student divided into 15 working groups producing the media i.e. audio visual and radio spot, assisted by Fr. Rhein (Radio Montini), Bernadetta Widiandayani, Fr. Jerry  and Mr. Budi (SAV Puskat). All program activities during the workshop broadcasted (live report) by Radio Montini.

Author:  Bernadetta Widiandayani (Secretary of SIGNIS Asia)